October 24, 2018

Ahrens Family

Posted in: Families

There are people that make the world a better place in which to live and bless your life simply by knowing them. Robb Ahrens is one of them. After meeting during a volleyball league many years ago, I instantly knew that this guy lives the life of a true Christian. He exudes the love of Christ in everything he does.  He became part of my inner circle of friends, and over the years, we have shared meals, game nights, and funny stories of flying spoons and people losing fingertips over quarters. Imagine my excitement for Robb when he introduced the game night crew to Emily, his beautiful soon-to-be wife.

Rather protective of Robb,

we had to “check her out”

to make sure she was the right one. Of course she passed the test with flying colors. She is just as sweet, loving, and genuine as Robb and fit right in with us.

These two adventurous lovebirds were married and now have a sweet, beautiful baby girl. They enjoy entertaining friends over dinner, attending concerts, and have a love for nature and hiking. In fact, they have hiked to many of the high points across the United States. Baby Ahrens has even been on a couple of hikes, so I’m sure she will be just as adventurous as her parents.

Needless to say it was a pleasure and an honor to capture their love through the lens of my camera. Thanks, Ahrens Family for allowing me to freeze some sweet moments between you three.

It was definitely an adventure I will never forget.

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Louisville, Ky Portrait  Photographer
